Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Work with the Greatest and Best Church Staff in the Kingdom

It's true!!! I really do work with the Greatest and Best Church Staff in the Kingdom! I'm not just saying it either. I really do believe it! Just think about it: What other staff shares such a supernatural and miraculous history? Starting in a living room with 16 people; marching around the Ball Park in Arlington asking God to give us church that could fill the stadium; growing from 16 to 1,600 in about a year; wrestling the sales contract for the J&J campus out of the hands of the U.S. Department of Defense; raising $4.4 million in 6 months for the down payment, the last $1.4 million coming miraculously in the 11th hour; hosting outreaches in Vandergriff Park, feeding over 10,000 people; not to mention the Festival of Lights, the Patriotic Salutes, the Fall Fun Fests and the Winter Snow Fest! Remember the Glory and the Fire Outreaches and the Operation Prayer Force? We've enjoyed great victories together and endured times of testing. But through it all, we've never changed our vision. As the apostle Paul said, "I stayed true to the heavenly vision." And so have we! And we have only just begun! The time is right to fulfill the prophecy of Marilyn Hickey who said that High Point would have a similar anointing as Rev. Cho's church in South Korea. I guess you can image what that means. We have loved and labored, laughed, and yes, even cried together; and the truth is, there's no other group of people in the entire world I would rather share life with than you. So next time I press a little hard or push us to what seems to be the end of our ability, remember that one day when we stand before Jesus and hear Him say, "Well done," then we will share a common reward and a common joy that will last forever!


  1. Even though i was not there in the beginning, I still feel the good things hpc has done. I here from others all the fun it was to do things like FOL. It would have been good to be apart of those things. Now that were in a new chapter of this journey I am so excited to be learning and growing with the team... to see everyone open up and be creative is AMAZING!
    This year will be different but good!! I am ready!


  2. Yo Pastor-
    We are very excited to see what God is going to do this year and the years to come. Jenni & I are super thankful to be apart of the awesome HPC team. Be blessed & stay safe in Haiti.


  3. It is so exciting to be a part of what God is doing here at HPC. We are called to be "doers" of the Word and if we are a united group, then imagine what we can accomplish for Him! Impress the Impressive!

  4. Wow can you believe it. My life has totally changed since this ADVENTURE started. I really do mean adventure! I have experienced things that I never would have if I didn't trust God and go when he said. When single people in the church tell you they can't meet anyone here because it's too big-you tell them look at Rebecca - 3 kids and she still met a man who loves the Lord and serving the Lord more then anything in the world. Plus I met him here. I feel as though something has changed recently and I just want the miracles of HPC to continue and a renewed fire is in me to see more of what we have seen and even with that being said you allowed me to be your childrens Pastor for the first year...ran a soldiers tent helped create Fol, Patriotic Salutes, Winterfest, Tour Sunday, Glory and the Fire, Powerteam, help with the choir, work with single moms and so much more. I can't wait to see what you and God have cooked up for me next. I love you and April Pastor! YOu are always in my prayers!

  5. What an incredible journey we have been on led by your incredible faith! As I read over our history I am so blessed that the Lord has allowed me to be a part of this supernatural and miraculous history! We have seen too many healings and miracles to count, but I have to remind you of a personal high point in High Point history. It was the Sunday that you & Ms. April announced that you were expecting again! We were all overjoyed, but in the midst of the celebration you were both sensitive to the Holy Spirit and asked for all those who were married and having trouble conceiving to stand up. All over the auditorium countless couples stood. It was that Sunday that I realized that I was not alone, that the devil wasn't just tormenting me and my husband, but so many members of my church family. As we prayed there that day we got our miracle from the Lord! It was incredible to see the supernatural harvest 36-46 weeks later! God has been so FAITHFUL, but I am so excited because the BEST is yet to come!

  6. Awww....Thanks! But it is only by the power of God working through us that anything is accomplished.

  7. simply humbled and amazed at where God has brought me from knowing that there are NO LIMITS to what He can use me and this incredible church staff to do... i can't even explain how much of a blessing this church has been to mine & my wife sara's lives... we are both honored to be apart of what God is birthing through this vision!!!

  8. What a blessing it is to be a part of what this incredible team does every week for the Kingdom of God. You ALL are the GREATEST AND BEST team! "With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible." Mark 10:27

  9. I remember the first time I drove on to the parking lot at Workman Jr High. I knew High Point Church was my home church. God has done some amazing things and I am truly blessed to be a part of this anointed team and church body! I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do this year. I am a willing vessel Lord.

  10. My adventure with High Point began in the McCain's youth group, ya know back in the old days when we met in the Warehouse - without A/C! These youth kids don't know how good they have it now!...From the time I came to High Point at 15 years old, I can truly say there has never been a dull moment! Yes we are all a part of this adventure and it has been wonderful! Honored to serve with such a great group :-)


  11. It is amazing to see the hand of God move in miraculous ways! My favorite scripture to always mediate on is Ephesians 3:20 "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us". God wants us to experience the EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY miracles within our lives and the HPC staff will continually experience God's faithfulness of blessings! It is great to be around a group of people that dare to dream the dream!

  12. Awww, Thanks Pastor! I am really getting a lot out of our morning devotionals. This is really a blessing to work in a place where, we get to spend time with the Lord and then work as a team to expand on the vision. Gotta Love It!!
