Thursday, February 11, 2010

Meeting You at the Point of Your Need!

Ten years ago, this past January 23rd, High Point Church hosted its first public church service at Workman Jr. High School on Arbrook Rd. just a mile or two west of our current location. April and I were excited to begin our new life and ministry in the DFW Metroplex. In obedience to the charge of God to leave our church and family in Houston and "go to a land that I will show you" (Genesis 12:1), we embarked on our journey of faith with nothing more than a vision (the 7 Pillars) and a desire to help hurting people. This passion to help the "sighing, crying, and dying " of the world was passed down to us by our dad Pastor John Osteen, and of course, Dodie.

On that first Sunday service in 2000, hanging on the back wall of the Workman Jr. High stage was a banner that read, "High Point Church, Meeting You at the Point of Your Need." This statement was more than just a catchy slogan or meaningless bi-line to our logo. It summed, to a tee, our passion and purpose for existance. We were there to rescue the perishing and care for the desperate and dying. Everything we did revolved around meeting the needs of people. Other slogans we embraced included: "Every Member is a Minister" and "We Haven't Come to Build Buildings but to Build People." High Point Church was founded upon the basic concept of "We are not a Display Case for Perfect People, but a Hospital for Hurting People."

This deep conviction and commitment to reach the unreachable, love the unloveable, and touch the untouchable is what made High Point Church a great place to be! The willingness to wash the dirtiest of feet was why our humble church exploded in growth. As we celebrate ten faithful years of caring, lets not let our dynamite get wet. Let's always remember why we are here. Jesus set the example by saying, "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransome for many." We are here to serve and to give our lives to minister to the hurting and hopeless...and that is the greatest calling of all! So this Sunday, and everyday after, let's remember what made High Point great. Let's remember that banner on the back wall of the stage at Workman Jr. High; and let's remember our greatness is in our passion to Meet Hurting People at the Point of Their Need!

What say you?


  1. Wow Pastor! I love hearing the stories of the early years of HPC. I wish that I was there from the beginning, but I am so proud and so thankful to be a part of HPC right now and in the future because the BEST is yet to come! What a blessing it is to serve with the best staff in the entire kingdom! I am ready to become a 5 talent servant! Let's work together to connect the need with the one who supplies all of our needs!

  2. So often we get distracted from the calling we've been given & it's to truly meet the needs of those around us. No matter what need Jesus came across, it was met... no wine at the wedding, no food to feed the 5,000, no money to pay the temple tax... the list goes on. The Bible says that we are ambassadors for Christ & an ambassador simply put is a representative of the one who sent them... if we have been sent by Jesus into a lost world to represent Him, then it is time we follow the example He left. John 14:12 "...the works I do you will do & greater works than these..."

  3. Ministry is serving. I am excited to refocus on "meeting the people at the point of their need" HPC has done some awesome things in the past but I am looking forward to the new, creative excellence that the Lord is giving to our team. Like Rachelle said, I am ready to be a 5 talent servant!

  4. Pastor one of my favorite sayings that this church was founded on is the following "Abraham had his day,Isaac had his day, Jacob had his day now it is your day" So today I want to encourage you by saying it back to you. I know that you founded this church with such a burning innocent love for Jesus and desire to do eveything you could to show hurting people His healing love...well today i say to you that you have raised up a church full of people that just LOVE Jesus and want to serve along side you...Praise God we have a shepard willing to lead by the Spirit of the living God to do HIS will. This is your day HPC...

  5. I say we put that in front of us in every way! We cant meet a need if we don't know what the need is! I really don't think the masses of people know we are in the need meeting business! Don't get me wrong there are people that know about hpc and the GREAT things associated with it. I think you are saying we need to ramp up and reach more people... so lets get that simple clear easy to understand goal to the people. I think we can spend too much time discussing the vision rather than living it! I saw the movie Book of ELI, one of the best movies i have even seen. The guy ELI was carrying the only copy of the bible known to man. People were so busy trying to steal it from him they over looked he had been reading it every day and it was IN him. ELI was a THE bible and he did not need the book anymore.

    If we are going to do something great we have to live it. Or JUST DO IT! MEETING PEOPLE AT THERE NEED IS SIMPLE! It even sounds like it can fill a stadium! People have needs! Most people have needs.... I think we are missing something key... In our backyard there is hurt people, marriages failing, kids abused, people starving, business men confused, young adults lost, economic issues, unforgiveness and anger running rapid. Let's meet the needs, we have the answer to these needs. If we look thru the eyes of the seven principles or pillars GOD has laid out we win!

  6. Since a comment is requested, I'm commenting. But I really think this staff already does a really great job of serving each other. Sure we have a couple here and there who have to be kicked to do stuff, but mostly everyone jumps in when a need is presented and just gets things done. For the most part, this is a servant team.

  7. Man, I will never forget the choir days back at workman! Sweatin' for Jesus! I am so excited for all that God is doing at HPC and I am just so excited to be a part of it. 2010 will be our year!
